Is there such thing as Canadian pride?
I took an excursion out in downtown Toronto on Canada Day and was very disheartened at what I saw. It was Canada Day yet I saw more Greece and Portugal Flags then I did Canadian ones. Granted both Greece and Portugal were going to play for the Euro 2004 Cup but it was Canada Day for gods sake. Why do people who were born in this country think they are from where there parents or grandparents were born. While listening to the Fan 590 after Greece won the Cup I could only laugh when some moron was saying how great it was that his country won the Cup. When asked where he was born he replied Toronto????????? Had he ever visited Greece, NO he replied. In my case my father was born in Scotland. If I was asked; I don't answer I am Scottish, as that commercial goes even though I hate the beer I AM CANADIAN. It is great that in Canada we celebrate different cultures but people need to remember you live in Canada and enjoy all the freedoms that come with it. I hate to break the news to people but if you live in Canada, you are not Finnish,Swedish, Scottish, English, Greek, etc. You are a Canadian, and take some pride in it. Take those Greece flags off your car and put a Canadian one with it.